Welcome to the MPS Fashion Photo Community

Connect with your fellow MPS Fashion Photo alumni in a private, supportive community.

About Us

This is a private online community for MPS Fashion Photo students and alumni. This space has been created to facilitate sharing of experiences for the continued improvement of craft and career advancement.

Why You Should Join Us

The shared experience and knowledge base of our alumni is an invaluable asset. MPS Fashion Photography alumni from around the globe work in a variety of fashion related industries after graduation. This space is dedicated to the sharing of experiences and resources to help each other succeed and further the advancement of your practice.

A Big Thanks

Your participation is greatly appreciated. Collaboration is at the heart of everything in the fashion industry. As this space grows we welcome your participation and suggestions for making this a safe, positive experience. Remember we are just getting started here, and this space can be whatever you want it to be. If there is anything we can do to improve your experience please let us know. I'm really excited you are here.


Barry Sutton, Program Director MPS Fashion Photo